Post Traumatic Stress Disorders

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (or PTSD) is a disorder which shares symptoms of mood/emotional and anxiety disorders. It is caused by a near-death or life threatening experience which is very upsetting, frightening and stressful. It is normal to experience a range of emotions after a traumatic event such as fire, car accident, violent assault, war, or disasters. However, when the symptoms last for more than a month and start to interfere with your daily life, you may be suffering from post traumatic stress disorders. Post traumatic stress disorders can develop immediately after such an event or many weeks, months or years later.

Post traumatic stress disorders

Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorders

Many people feel grief-stricken, depressed, anxious, guilty and angry after a traumatic experience. As well as these understandable emotional reactions, there are three main types of symptoms of post traumatic stress disorders:

1- Flashbacks and nightmares

2- Avoidance and numbing

3- Being on guard or hypervigilant

How Can Auckland Psychiatrist Help With Post Traumatic Stress Disorders?

Our psychiatrists can provide a safe, confidential space where you can learn concrete strategies for coping with the intense physiological symptoms caused by post traumatic stress disorders.

What is Stress?

Stress can be defined as a state of mental or emotional strain, as a result of difficult or challenging circumstances. Stress is a physical response that causes us to go into a 'fight or flight' mode. It is important to realise that stress is not wholly a bad thing. This physical stress reaction has the effect of making us focused, alert, able to cope and motivated.


Auckland Psychiatrist

Our approach to treating stress combines individualised treatment programmes with treatments based on current clinical evidence. Our psychiatrists will undergo a psychiatric assessment to understand the current causes of stress in your life and develop an ongoing treatment plan that includes self-help techniques, counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, or medication.


Post Traumatic

At Auckland Psychiatrist, we can also help you understand certain factors that are often outside the trauma occurrence itself but can significantly contribute to your ongoing symptoms. You will learn how to address these, and this combined approach can enable you to rebuild your confidence and feel more in control of your life again.

To find out more about which approach of the post traumatic stress disorders therapy might be best for you, please contact us on 0212416007 or send us an inquiry on our website.

Stress Disorders

However, when stress becomes too overwhelming the body and mind are not able to distinguish between daily stressors and life-threatening events.

You don't have to struggle with the stress on your own! By seeking specialist stress help and support from Auckland Psychiatrist, you will be able to start your journey towards overcoming your stress and achieving a healthy productive life in no time.

Stress Disorder Treatment New Zealand

Treatment plans for post traumatic stress disorders usually involve a combination of psychological treatments such as Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, medication in the form of antidepressants or anxiety-reducing tablets and relaxation therapies.

Many health problems can be exacerbated by stress. Without expert psychiatric treatment, it is possible that your stress may become progressively worse over time, resulting in a range of unpleasant stress symptoms and a whole host of long-term problems, impacting on your physical and emotional health. Ongoing stress could also be a trigger for other mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety.

Stress Treatment

Psychotherapy, counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy can help you understand your stressors and help you learn more positive emotional and behavioural responses to stressful situations and feelings. Medication can also be effective if your stress is severe or goes on. It may help you to cope better so that you can start to enjoy life and deal with problems effectively again.

Auckland Psychiatrist has considerable experience and expertise in stress management. So, please contact us on 0212416007 if you or your loved ones are experiencing severe stress problems and take the first step to reduce the stress level and feeling of anxiety.