What Is A Medicolegal Assessment?
Medico legal assessment is a vital part of modern medicine law. You may require a medico legal assessment and psychiatric report for a variety of reasons. If you have been badly affected by an accident or workplace negligence, it may be not sufficient for you to appear in court and state that you have been suffering since the event. You will need a medico legal expert psychiatrist to testify as to the symptoms you are experiencing the impact on your life.
A medico legal assessment evaluates whether any psychological harm has been suffered or whether the person being assessed has a particular condition. The medico legal assessment is designed to answer legal questions posed by the court, the claimant or defendant. At the heart of the medico legal evaluation is the application of reliable scientific techniques to gather and evaluate the medical evidence.
Medico Legal Experts & Cases
At Auckland Psychiatrist, we focus on producing a high quality, precise, and objective medico legal assessment and report for our clients. Our medico legal experts can provide medico legal assessments, expert witness reports and testimony for the criminal courts in Auckland. Our specialist medico legal reports provide a thorough assessment of the issues in the case leading to an early settlement of the medico legal case. Because our psychiatrists have extensive knowledge of psychiatry and law we can ensure that our reports are focused and address the relevant medico legal issues.
Please contact Auckland Psychiatrist with any enquiries and instructions regarding medico legal cases. To discuss your medico legal requirements, please call us on 0212416007 or fill in the inquiry form on our website.